USA Supreme Court Marriage

That the Light, Love, and Joy of Jesus, God, and The Holy Spirit showered on each and every person where is as is is the Good News. That our Creator yearns for each of us is awesome. We are called to optimal relationship by following God’s Guidelines. God’s Guidelines are laid out in Sacred Scriptures. Marriage specifically is defined by Jesus Christ with one male and one female in italics in Matthew 19 and later in the chapter the prohibition of copulation out of wedlock, the Seventh Commandment, is shared by Jesus Christ. The problem with yesterday’s ruling is that the State is trying to edit the Seventh Commandment and the rest of God’s Guidelines. Something that God guides us away from in Romans 1 and elsewhere will seemingly be something that God guides us to. This is my objection. The State does not have the right to edit The Church. I never opposed Civil Unions. Coining a new name like that or mated would be fine. This is like you being allowed to go out and bottle stuff of your own making and slapping a Coca Cola label on it. New formula: new name. I Love you and each and every Child of God, each and every person. I also Love The Word of God and am astounded by this much more than muddying of it.

Published in: on 27 June 2015 at 7:50 am  Comments (1)  

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  1. After the verdict, the only prayer on my lips is: “Lord, grant me this one request! May the husband of my daughter be a man!”

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