Christ Current Continuously

While clothing styles, languages, mannerisms, sports, governments, hobbies, and transportation changes continuously, Christ is always Current, Continuously.

King Current Christ Continuously Current.

  I Love You and so does Jesus, God, and The Holy Spirit as well as Mother Mary, Saint Joseph, Saint Therese Lisieux, Saint Francis, Saint Anne, Saint Mark, Your Guardian Angel, all the Holy Angels, and all the Holy Saints.

Published in: on 9 April 2018 at 8:58 am  Leave a Comment  
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Easter Vigil takes time + stops time + enriches time

The evening Mass the day before Easter Sunday in the Catholic Church is called the Easter Vigil.  It is the most beautiful Mass of the year and is about the inextinguishable Light of Christ.  Readings tracking the promise of Christ through the resurrection are shared complete with candles, processions, and many paced slow readings of Sacred Scripture.  Time stops.  Hearts heartened.  Hope springs.  Love lavished.

For those of you who say you don’t have time for the Maker of time, I invite you to take a few hours this evening to attend an Easter Vigil Mass.  Hopefully you’ll be hooked on more than the Easter Vigil and your heart will be drawn to the benefits of OnVine life so Rich, so Loved.  You are invited and wanted to be in Communion with Christ.

I Love You and so does Jesus, God, and Holy Spirit along with Mother Mary, Saint Joseph, Saint Joan, Saint Raphael, Saint Therese Lisieux, Saint Francis, Saint Anne, Saint Anthony, Your Guardian Angel, all the Holy Angels, and all the Holy Saints.

Published in: on 31 March 2018 at 5:16 am  Leave a Comment  
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Best Love

I’ve a soft launch for a new site, “Best Love,” selling God’s Superior Version of Love.

Stage Two Jews + Stage One Christians


Christians are Stage Two Jews


Jews are Stage One Christians

Everyone welcome,

Everyone wanted,

to be Co-Operating



Romans 8:28   We know that by turning everything to their good God co-operates with all those who love him …

Romans 11:25-26   … One section of Israel has become blind, but this will last only until the whole pagan world has entered, and then after this the rest of Israel will be saved as well. …

   Be about God’s Goal of Recruiting to Christ & Really Save the World!

   I Love You and so does Jesus, God and Holy Spirit along with Mother Mary, Saint Joseph, Saint Cecilia, Saint Francis, Saint Raphael, Saint Joan, all the Holy Angels, Your Guardian Angel, and all the Holy Saints.

Sprinklered Guns + Moderate Media + Christ Communion = Real Safe Solution

I Love you and so does Jesus, Holy Spirit, and God.  We invite you and want you in Christ Communion.

With the ongoing soft target domestic terrorist assaults on soft targets like Parkland, it is a disservice to sell making more and softer targets with the gun control chants that echo the launch of the Nazis.  This also does not honor those who have passed in that it will lead to more soft target domestic terrorists atrocities as well as more panic, fear, and isolation.

I am an architect and I well know that fire sprinklers offer immediate, omnipresent, effective correction to fires.  To gain a likewise immediate, omnipresent, effective correction to firing of a gun by a domestic terrorist, we need more citizens carrying guns in constitutional concealed carry everywhere.  If there are guns abounding, out of control gun operation will be short lived.  Sprinklers offer response within 60 seconds where a fire department is at least 5 minutes removed.  Guns abounding in concealed carry offer response instantly while police departments are also 5 minutes and more away.  So much can go wrong in 5 minutes with a fire and with gun fire.  The most real control of out of control guns is guns abounding.

The second part of the title formula for making our schools and other soft targets safe is moderating media.  The media loves these tragedies.  It skyrockets their numbers.  It glues us to them.  Problem is they program us to be prone to act as domestic terrorists and wash themselves of any responsibility.  But it doesn’t wash.  The media seeks to isolate us from each other.  The media seeks to isolate us from each other.  The media programs us to see others as non-persons if they don’t agree with the media mantra or are yet to be born.  The media programs us to be violent in off the chart violent shows, movies, and video games.  The media seeks to manipulate us in dazed drooling myopia staring incessantly at their screaming screens now so small we even walk around unaware of where we are.  Media, please admit what you are programming people to do, take responsibility, and stop your bad and start to build up good.

The third part of the title formula of making our schools and other soft targets safe is coming to Communion with Christ.  Here we first learn of the overwhelming effervescent omnipresent Light, Love, and Joy of Jesus for each person.  After we open ourselves up to realize and receive this LLJJ, we spend a lifetime learning God’s Guidance, which is the most Positive Programming ever for People along with the Optimal Operating System for People.  We learn that we are never alone and immensely always loved.  Then we want to learn of God’s Guidance and so seek to do His Will to console His Heart.  We go OnVine with Christ, the Root of Jesse, He the Vine, we the branches and so become much more alive, able, and flourishing.  Just as a computer is more able online, we are more able OnVine with Jesus, Holy Spirit, and God.  Then we become a co-operator with God and God works everything to good.  Romans 8:28  “We know that by turning everything to their good God co-operates with all those who love him….”  We beautifully help flourish all of Creation and assist our Creator with the ongoing Creation of Creation Joyfully.  More on this at Best Love.

Open & Asking;  Joyful & Cheerful;  Build Each Other Up.

I pray we make our schools and other soft targets safe in a real way.

I Love you and so does Jesus, God, & Holy Spirit along with Mother Mary, Saint Joseph, Saint Joan, Saint Raphael, Your Guardian Angel, all the Holy Angels, and all the Holy Saints.



Charism is more desirable than copulation.

The world sells disconnected empty irresponsible copulation.

Charism is more.


Charism is a gift of Holy Spirit.

Charisms can be a wide variety of gifts.

They are encouraging, enabling, empowering, and amazing as well as available and usable 24/7/365

The world’s cop out copulation is addicting, enslaving, hollow, abusive, and violence prone.

This is the crux of the battle between satan and Christ.

One uplifts and the other drags down.

Which do you choose?

Hope it’s up!

I Love You and so does Jesus, God, and Holy Spirit as well as Mother Mary, Saint Joseph, Saint Louise, Saint Francis, Your Guardian Angel, all the Holy Angels, and all the Holy Saints.

Christ’s Closing Command: Recruit to Christ Charismatically!

Fallon on Mallon occurred yesterday at Saint Katherine Drexel Parish in Alton, New Hampshire at our monthly men’s group meeting.  Tony Fallon here did a presentation on Father James Mallon’s book Divine Renovation which shares the successful story of, and provides the successful road map for, reversing the downward trend in church attendance.  It is hopeful and challenging.  Yesterday’s Gospel bit about reaching out to the unwanted tax collectors and others others not so attractive was a great lead in as Deacon Rick opined.

My handwritten notes for the presentation were rewritten a few times and I include them here.  My computer was off in the computer hospital at the time of writing.  The book that I had kept unmarked on the first read to keep it clean in case I passed it on is now covered with highlights and has tons of torn up paper bookmarks.

Father Mallon shares the mismatch between what he got geared up to do in seminary and the day to day of parish life along with the pain of closing churches and shrinking attendance.  Next Father Mallon shares the story of how he stepped out of the comfort zone, rolled the dice, and succeeded in increasing attendance and building up the church.  He does a nice job laying out the cues and clues from Christ and Christ’s Church.

Christ’s last command that is found in the closing of the Gospels and the opening of Acts is to ask for and wait for the Power of the Powerful Holy Spirit to Power Us Up and then to go make disciples to the ends of the earth.  My title boils this down to Recruit to Christ Charismatically!  I like Recruit to Christ better than evangelize as many don’t understand the definition of evangelization or have a negative connotation from the television evangelist’s missteps.

Father Mallon illustrates how this Command of Christ to Recruit to Christ while Empowered by The Holy Spirit is reinforced by Christ’s Church with the Second Vatican Council and all of the Popes since then.  He also shares the similar calling in the Latin American Bishop’s document Aparecida which Pope Francis helped generate before stepping up to the lead shepherd’s post.

One of the things that I was ready for and did some successful navigation of is the prejudice against and fear of being empowered by the Holy Spirit.  Those in the Charismatic Movement have a role in this fear by not recognizing and respecting the broad range of Gifts of The Holy Spirit or Charisms.  It is OK if not all speak in tongues, have gift of words, or can lay hands on to heal then & there.  We have to recognize and read in Sacred Scripture how some use for administration, others for .. … ..  On the other hand, those not willing to ride the wave of The Holy Spirit washing over us and clenching in fear need to realize they are worshiping a false god of fear and foolishly trying to control.

What I tried to sell and succeeded with some success is that we are necessarily Charismatic if we are Christian.  I sought to nix the bit of “I’m not a Charismatic Catholic” or “I’m not a Charismatic Christian.”  Christ’s last Command is for us to ask for, seek, pray for, be empowered by, and receive The Holy Spirit and then to go Recruit to Christ to the ends of the earth.  Being empowered by The Holy Spirit with Charisms, Gifts, Special Abilities, Special Powers, Guidance, Whispers, Insights, Healing, Hope, Generosity, Courage, and Cheerfulness is Christ’s last Command of us.  To be a Christian we must seek to be Charismatic.  And we need to, with Christ’s Love, respect all the broad range of gifts and never judge our gifts as greater than others.  And we must welcome The Holy Spirit and allow Him to Empower us beyond our knowledge or control.   We must not worship control or fear or think we can be isolated.

Early in the presentation yesterday I shared that I thought that the point of the story of The Garden of Eden is that we are only able to know Christ’s Love for each and every person.  All else is a mystery and we need to leave knowledge in the sense of full understanding with God and in the realm of God.

We need to remain committed to Coperiority seeking to build us up by building others up.

Back to the book, it goes through a lot about how the Parish of Saint Benedict in Halifax, Nova Scotia and Father Mallon have stepped out of their comfort zones, sought to recruit to Christ, and flourished their parish.  It is hopeful, challenging, exciting, and refreshing.  I like it better than the similar book Rebuilt about a parish in Baltimore.  I thought Rebuilt painted the picture of those who didn’t get with the program to clearly so as to get personal and I not at all a fan of shuffling kids off to the basement for a separate service.  I love Father Cole’s joyful claim of “There’s the future of our Church!” with each child’s contribution to the sounds of a Mass.

I Love You and so does Jesus, God, and The Holy Spirit along with Mother Mary, Saint Joseph, Your Guardian Angel, Saint Francis, Saint Therese Lisieux, all the Holy Angels, and all the Holy Saints.

Jesus Genes Genius

We are all Created by our Creator Christ Jesus.

And so we all have the Genes of Genius Jesus.

And so we can all Flourish with Genius Jesus.

And so we can all see the Genes of Genius Jesus in everyone.

And so we can help Flourish the Genius Jesus Gene in everyone.

Trees wave in wind and grow in a meandering manner.

We can also be stretching and reaching and meandering gently along with breathing deeply and slowly and joyfully while we pray.  Not holding poses like yoga and not yoga which is rooted elsewhere and opens us up for confused & evil spirits.  Reachpray is just gently exploring the range of motion of our bodies Christ Creator Gifted us with in a slow waving way while cleaning our soul to make it more attractive for the Holy Spirit which Christ has sent for us to host and exploring what the Holy Spirit and The Will of God would have us do.

I Love You and so does Jesus, God, and The Holy Spirit along with Mother Mary, Saint Joseph, Saint Alfonse, Saint Martha, Your Guardian Angel, all the Holy Angels, and all the Holy Saints.

Romans 8:28-29 & 2 Corinthians 13:5

Merry 5th Day of Christmas!

In the Catholic Church we celebrate the Christmas Season starting with Christmas Day for a couple of weeks.  And The Light and The Joy!

I Love You Challenge

I Love You and so does Jesus, God, and The Holy Spirit.

For some time I have been closing my blog posts with a message sharing the fact that Jesus, God, and The Holy Spirit Love You and each and every person.  I remember when growing up and working at Hampton Beach, New Hampshire in the United States of America there were people with signs letting us know that Jesus Loves us and handing out brochures amidst the sea of people streaming up and down the noisy, dusty, hot, bright, boardwalk.  I didn’t understand why they were doing that or what the big deal was.  I grew up Catholic with all the Sacraments and a solidly faithful family.

Now I only know that Jesus Christ Loves me and find all else a mystery.  I see each breath as a Blessing and try to Receive LLJJ, Grow LLJJ, Reflect LLJJ, and Share LLJJ, The Light, Love, and Joy of Jesus.  My brother in law Dave passed on recently and it helped bring me to see each breath being a blessing.  I am not sure how I got to understand the primacy of knowing God’s Love for me and us.  One thing that helps is the tree of knowledge parable with Adam and Eve.  I think the point there that God is endeavoring to get across is that He Holds all knowledge and we can never get to fully know or control anything except that Jesus, God, and The Holy Spirit Shower Shimmering, Glistening, Glowing, Enriching, Empowering, Tinkling Love on us constantly.  So we need to stop trying to be control freaks.  With God we are able to navigate the rest of the mystery of life receiving His Love and following God’s Guidance we enter into relationship with all things working to our good as God Co-Operates with us.  Romans 8:28.  And then we become one of the many brothers and sisters of Christ.  Romans 8:29.  All through the Old Testament we see the results of people, societies, and nations that get too full of themselves, forget their need to rely on God, think that they can know anything other than the Love of God for each person, and collapse in chaos.  Then they remember their need, call for forgiveness, live in Communion with God, and then flourish again.  The trick is to remember the need for God, and to remain relying on God, so as to avoid the chaotic collapse in foolishness of having forgotten God’s Gifting and Co-Operation.

Main thing here I want to do with this I Love You Challenge is to challenge myself and you to start and finish all communications communicating this either literally and explicitly or with nuance, intonation, and body language.  And don’t forget to do so with each breath!  God’s Goal is for all to know His Love for them and for all to enter relationship with Him following God’s Guidance.  And all this is to occur to the ends of the earth.  For some time I have been finishing my posts with this and now I am going to try to start my posts with a shorter clip.  It is the main message and assignment though.  Jesus wants us to reach out and share the Good News to all.  As Father Cole says on the way to read the Gospel occasionally, “This is about God’s Love Affair with People!  The rest is details.”

Philippians 3:8   …. I believe nothing can happen that will outweigh outweigh the supreme advantage of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord.

Philippians 2:13-16   It is God, who for his own loving purpose, who puts both the will and the action into you.  Do all that has to be done without complaining or arguing and then you will be innocent and genuine, perfect children of God among a deceitful and underhand brood, and you will shine in the world like bright stars because you are offering it the word of life.

I Love You and so does Jesus, God, and The Holy Spirit along with Mother Mary, Saint Joseph, Saint Joan of Arc, Saint Raphael, Saint Therese Lisieux, Saint Francis, Your Guardian Angel, all the Holy Angels, all the Holy Saints, and many more.


Published in: on 6 December 2017 at 6:21 am  Leave a Comment  
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